Monday, February 13, 2012

How Stupid Does Someone Have to Be???

The Son and I are about to come to an understanding.  A "come to Jesus" meeting is on it's way.  The boy isn't smart enough to not shit where he eats and he is going to find out why very soon.  I'm done.  Stick a fork in me.  I've had it.  Nothing big but such the compilation of disrespect and I have had my fill.  I don't care if he realizes that is what he is doing or not.  I could just scream...  He needs to take his dope smoking butt AND his dope smoking friends and hit the road.  TIRED, I'm TIRED.  Blatantly while I'm home?  Really?  Can't turn my back anymore.  Can't pretend it doesn't exist.  He takes it as a pass and that is not it at all.  I can't seem to ever get my point across and I'm tired of trying to be a loving parent.  He is about to get the blast and I don't care.  I love my Son, but this will cease or he will go and live with his Dad or the state.  He can pick.  I'm tired of paying and picking up his messes and have him tell me on the other end how "grown" he is.  Game on.

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