Wednesday, October 27, 2010

WTF Wednesday

Actually the title of this entry is a bit misleading. It's been a WTF week but as today is Wednesday, I went with that.

I have been feeling really odd this past week. By the end of the day, I feel a bit sick, sometimes dizzy. Just kind of yucky I suppose. Nothing tragic but just not good. The weather has been changing to finally some fall like weather. Some rain, cool mornings, brisk windy days and lots of sunshine. I have had arthritis since I was a little girl. I can tell the weather with my joints and this week has been no exception. With the precipitation finally coming into the area, they have been achy all week. I know, I know, WAAAAHHHH!!! Trust me, I tell myself that a lot and I try not to mention it to anyone. CC sees it some. Especially when I am trying to work out. At times it feels as if my knees are going to give out. It can sometimes bring me to tears. It makes me feel weak. I have to slow down, lower the incline when walking. Running is totally out of the question. I thought I was going to fall the other day. All of a sudden my knee went crazy. It scares me when it feels that way.

I guess what is the worst is my body is beginning to feel old. I am starting the "I can't do (fill in the blank) like I used to". Not only that but I'm starting to get "fluffy". Well... Fluffier than I used to be. It is getting harder and harder to get weight off. It's really starting to depress me. I have a hard time with getting old. In my mind, I am still a young thirty-something. The rest of me is definitely not paying attention to my mind. It takes all of the fun out of shopping that's for sure.

I have been taking Aleve daily along with my normal dose of Glucosamine Chondroitin. The Glucosamine worked well all last winter on its own. Not so much this year and the weather really hasn't begun to get bad. I guess it's a good thing CC wants us to move south. Maybe all of the warm weather will help me keep from feeling the aging process.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!!!

Friday was my birthday and it seems as if I have gotten a birthday week!

Last Friday I came home early as I did not feel well.  While I was there, the UPS truck came bearing gifts!  CC allowed me to go ahead and have it.  It was a  Toy Watch!  I had mentioned one time I thought they were really cool and we had looked at them on line as he had NO idea as to what I was talking about and HE ORDERED ME ONE!  :D  Here is what it looks like: 

You can go to the toy watch website
and check them out!  This one is a white plasteramic.

So, I got my gift early and I am very happy.  It is soooo refreshing to have someone pay attention to the things you say so you can actually be surprised on a gift giving occasion.  But little did I know, he wasn't finished...  ;)

CC is so thoughtful!  I decided to take the day off on Friday so Thursday he had cookies delivered to work for me and all of my staff!  I was very surprised  :)  I am sure my staff now loves him too! (Albeit not as much as me)!!

On Friday, I decided to take the day for myself and go shopping.  As much as shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, it is the least favorite of CC.  Since his arrival I have saved oodles of money as I have spent time with him instead of at the malls.  LOL!  At any rate, I was in dire need of some new clothes so I headed across the river to Louisville to shop.  Oddly enough, we have two malls on the same street (even same side of street) that would practically be next door neighbors if it weren't for I264 running between them.  It makes it handy as what one mall doesn't have, the other one does!  I was able to do both malls in the same afternoon. Bonus!  My friend Sandy, who is retired but busier that she was when she was working, was able to meet me for lunch.  We met at the California Pizza Kitchen for lunch and a glass of wine.  It was a nice break in the day.  
Cookies are a happy thing!
I had put a roast on before I left and so no worries about supper.  I was able to get home around my normal time.  Unfortunately, CC wasn't.  He ended up having to work over at the hospital and
didn't get out of there until 7: 30.  That is really a bum deal.  Apparently it's going to be pretty common too.  :(  He said they waited around quite a bit in the morning for the patients to arrive and then were slammed after the lunch hour.  They were really busy after that.  There is no priority placed on lunch in that department either.  No one seems to care whether you get one or not, just concerned with if the patient has been done and when will they get the report.

It makes me feel bad.  No one should be unhappy in their work and this whole deal borders on miserable to me.  This is NOT what he wanted.  I just hope something opens up internally before he goes crazy in this current role.  At any rate, at least he was able to come home, get some supper right away and try to relax.

The son left the house and wasn't due back for a few hours.  He decided and I wholeheartedly agreed this was a most opportune time to get frisky!  So.... Here I am getting a birthday present when all of a sudden, "MOM!"  I shrieked!  We did not hear him come back into the house.  Tangent time..  That is really saying something as he goes no where without slamming doors and making all kinds of noise.  Not to mention all three of the dogs generally go nuts when they hear a door.  Anyway, the son was in the hall calling me wanting the keys to the garage out back as he needed to get some tools.  I told him to wait and I would be out.  Close call!!  He was gone again as fast as he had arrived and I did manage to get my birthday present!  YAY ME!

On Saturday, we spent the time doing normal Saturday activities.  We went to the gym, out to lunch, CC got a hair cut (well he got them all cut), and we stopped to pick up our menu from Commander's Palace that we had framed.  It turned out really nice.  This type of souvenir is one unique to us and I like collecting these types of things.  I took a picture of it with my phone so it isn't fabulous but you can see approximately how it turned out.
  We were really excited to finally have it on the wall.  We spent the afternoon sitting around, watching football and just kicking back in general.  He then said we were going out for dinner! He made reservations at The Oak Room.  I know there is one in Boston and one in NYC and probably a few in other places.  All of which are unique, not chain restaurants.  We have one too.  :)  Ours in located in the Seelbach Hotel.  Tangent time.. The Seelbach was built in 1905 and is on the National Register of Historic Places.  F. Scott Fitzgerald used The Seelbach Hotel as a back drop for Tom and Daisy's wedding in The Great Gatsby.  The food was absolutely wonderful!  We decided to have a three course tasting along with the wine pairing.  The Seelbach has a full time Sommelier so it has to be good, right?  For an appetizer, we had the Pecan Pie Salad which was lolla rossa, Woodford Reserve pecans maytag blue cheese ice cream, pear praline.  This was paired with a very lovely Reisling.  Our entree was the Montana Ranch Beef Tenderloin with roasted fingerling potatoes, baby carrots brussels sprouts, saffron aioli, port jus.  They served a Cabernet that had a lot of oak flavor to it.  I'm not big on Cab so I find it a difficult wine to describe.  For dessert we were served an apple  something with the equivalent of a hot Toddy to go with it.  The staff was right, there really wasn't a wine that could be served with it and the warmed bourbon was just the ticket.  They finished us off with Kentucky truffles.  Think of a bourbon flavored truffle.  VERY bourbon flavored...  The meal was excellent!  We had such a great time and the staff was very friendly and knowledgeable.  What an enjoyable evening!

Sunday we enjoyed coffee and the paper.  I left around 10am for another afternoon of shopping while CC stayed home enjoying football and playing with the girls.  The weather was beautiful and you just couldn't have asked for a better weekend.  Steaks and potatoes at home for supper and some cuddle time on the couch in the evening!  It was the best birthday ever!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday morning....

Well, today is Monday and CC has started his new job. So far he has arrived on time, made it to lunch and hates orientation. I hope it gets better as the week progresses.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

As sappy as it can sound and feel to type I just can't express just how happy I am.

It is like being in exactly the place you belong, where everything fits, and all is right with the world.

If I'm dreaming, don't wake me up.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

It's what we all want.  To be happy.  Happiness can be elusive. Sometimes we lie, telling ourselves and others we have achieved it when in reality we have not.  Then there are also the times where we had it and threw it all away.  Lastly there are times where we had it all along but were too blind to see it.

I'm not really sure where I fit into that mix but I can say with certainty that I am happy.  CC makes me the happiest I have ever been.  It's almost like living someone else's life.  I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Nothing good has ever happened to me that has lasted any length of time.  I'm really hoping this does.

CC has had a job offer possibly two from one hospital in town.  He wants the one that is currently up in the air but will take the other if he isn't offered the one he wants.  I know he isn't exactly happy about either.  He wants to be in the cath lab but there aren't any jobs in town in that department.  I feel bad about the fact he isn't going to be able to have work he finds enjoyable.  He deserves his happiness, at work as well as home.

I hope he is happy too.  He says he is.  I worry.  He has so many things on his mind I can't differentiate if any of his stresses and worries are due to me or not.   His mom is sick and doesn't seem to be improving, lack of work, etc.  I can't help with any of these things and I definitely don't want to add to them.

It's hard living here.  I know it is.  It's one thing to have different child rearing mindsets but when you are not used to children at all and are saddled with a spoiled teen, it has to be almost unbearable.  My son is not  horrible but he surely isn't ideal.  He is a teen, he is lazy, he is moody and he is self-centered.  I attribute all of those things to being a teen because I can remember being the exact same way.  There is a lot of me in my son and I guess that is why I tolerate a lot of it because I know it was how I was and I outgrew it.  One can only hope he does too.  But, I know all of this is hard for CC to watch.  He stands by, bless him, doesn't say anything and I know there are times when he really wants to.  He has managed to make it about 5 weeks so far living here.  It's a long way to two years if you are miserable...