Friday, July 30, 2010

Friday again!

Well, it's Friday again. My favorite day of the week.  I just wish I was feeling a bit better.  Dinner today did not agree with me and I had to spend the remainder of the work day trying to put out the fire in my chest. (Note to self, next time have Hard Rock skip the red onions on salad).  I got back to the office. Took some Tums, then two OTC Zantac and some milk. (You know it's bad if I break down and drink milk without a cookie or brownie).  Still not better.  I would lie down if I didn't think it would get even worse. :(  I was going to paint the storage room tonight but now don't know if I can.  I should just suck it up and do it but I can't seem to concentrate on anything for very long feeling like this..  Should have opted for the burger.

Today was the day, CC did it.  He turned in his notice at work.  Not sure how he feels about it. I'm certain it's a bit scary as he doesn't have anything lined up here at the moment.  His landlord was a bit icky to him too when he gave notice about moving.  I hope that despite it all, he is still good with the decision he has made.  I'm very confident in it and will do whatever is necessary to make this as smooth of a transition as possible. I have never been so happy in my life as I am with CC. I hope he feels the same way.

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Love You... Why?

114. You move heaven and earth to make me happy even though your presence is enough...
115. Just because you're you.
116. Knowing and loving you makes me a better person.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wonderful Weekend

What started off to be a crappy weekend Friday really turned around.  It was looking like yet another weekend alone.  I was feeling a bit sorry for myself when I called CC to tell him goodnight.  I was trying to be a big girl and brave it through until our vacation.  I just couldn't do it.  I broke down, told him that I was lonely and I didn't think he was going to let us be apart that long, at least from what he said when his schedule came out.  In order to make me feel better, he said he would leave in the morning to come to see me and we would go to dinner Saturday night. I felt guilty saying anything at all because now he is driving up and I know he really hates to drive but I was very glad to know I would be seeing him and felt much better.

He arrived around 1pm with the girls in tow.  We had a couple of drinks and spent some "together time".  We decided we would go to Asiatique for dinner.  It is a wonderful restaurant in the Highlands (eclectic area of Louisville) that is run by a friend of mine.

Asiatique serves pacific rim cuisine. It was difficult to decide what to have so we opted for a selection off of the degustation menu.  We both chose the 5 course medley which was a mix of meat and seafood.  We also decided to add the wine flight option.  The atmosphere was perfect, the food was phenomenal and the company could not be any better.

After dinner we went to see Despicable Me.  I really enjoyed it!  Laughed my butt off.  Of course, I think a lot of things are funny that CC doesn't but he seemed to enjoy the movie too.

It was a really enjoyable evening and I love him so much for coming here when I know that driving doesn't agree with him.  He does such wonderful things for me.  I don't know what I have done to deserve him...

This morning after some coffee and reading paper we went to a local restaurant for breakfast. We came back to the house to lounge and nap off our breakfast watching Shaun of the Dead.  CC left shortly afterward to go back to Nashville.

I do feel hugely better after seeing him.  I guess I am not made for long distance relationships.  I just can't stand being away from him.  I think two weeks is my max..

We have 11 more days until vacation.  I think I'm going to make it now.  :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

I Love You Because

I love you because you understand dear
Every single thing I try to do.
You're always there to lend a helping hand, dear.
I love you most of all because you're you.

No matter what the world may say about me,
I know your love will always see me through.
I love you for the way you never doubt me.
But most of all i love you 'cause you're you.

No matter what may be the style or season,
I know your heart will always be true.
I love you for a hundred thousand reasons,
But most of all i love you 'cause you're you.


Friday is my favorite day of the week.  I have an entire weekend to do what I want/need to do instead of what is dictated by the demands of my job.  Payday Friday? Even better!

Some people would opt for Saturday, sleeping in, no work, etc.  But... Friday usually ends up being a pretty good work day, things close down from the week.  Most of the time you get a real sense of accomplishment (or occasionally a thank God the week is over).

Many Fridays you find me barreling down I-65 on my way to Nashville to see CC.  Due to the nature of my son's behavior, I have not been since 4th of July.  He has not come this way as all he has is the normal two day weekends and he can't do the "quickie visits" like I do.  He needs a three day weekend before he will make the trek.  As per the previous post, there aren't any this month.  So.....  I have been sticking it out alone.  I will finally get to see him on August 4th when I drive to Nashville after depositing my son on a plane to go to my dad in Florida.

What to do?  I generally don't have too much trouble occupying my time during the week.  Chores, cooking, laundry etc. can easily fill the void between quitting time and time to go to bed.  It is the weekends that are harder.  I have the work at our farm to keep me busy on some weekends and on others, not much at all.  The past few weeks I have slowly been organizing the house for the arrival of CC and the girls.  Cleaning closets, making room in storage areas.  Taking unneeded items to the Goodwill etc.  This weekend I will be painting a small room in the basement we generally use for storage.  It is paneled (yuck) and very dark.  I feel a nice off white is in order to brighten the space.  :) It will still be used for storage but will be a better looking updated room in the end. (Planning for the time when it is put on the market in 2012. It's never to early to plan).

Sunday will be back to the farm to finish the work from last weekend.  Yee haw!

I'm really ready for CC to move here.  The separation is no fun and it gets harder and harder to be apart.  I'm lonely without him.  I'm okay, but lonely.  I keep telling myself, "not much longer".  It works for a time...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

WTF Wednesday

Guy at work now sending e-mails. "Are you okay? Why haven't you responded to my texts?" I ignored the first e-mail and then another came. I said, "The more I thought about it all the more insulted I was and I was very disturbed by it all." He replied with he "didn't mean to offend me and will keep it all professional from now on." But followed it all up with " I thought I could joke with you."

Joke? I asked what he meant and he referred to the text I ignored yesterday about "thinking of you" and the "Ribbit Ribbit" comment. I told him it was all the texts from the day before. He had the audacity to try to sound offended himself. I swear, I just don't get people. I just hope he stands by his word and leaves me alone. It is sad because it was a friend I thought I had all along. Now look at what it has become. WTF!!!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

You Just Never Know About People

I went to lunch today with a guy I have known through work for many years.  We have been friendly in a professional way, not unlike any other person in the company.  Lunch was typical. I talked about CC and our upcoming vacation and how excited I am he is moving here soon.  We discussed the fact my dog needed to go to the vet.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  Walked back to the office, talked for a few minutes before going back to work. Looked at all the pictures of CC and me, my son and departed.

About 30 minutes after he left I received a text message.  Asked me if it was my personal phone or a work one as he was going through his phone.  I took this as an innocent question as many of us have two phones and you want to make sure you are messaging or calling the right one. After I answered it was my personal phone, he made a bit of small talk and to make a long story short, basically said that I was a beautiful, confident intelligent woman and wanted to know if I was interested in being with him even if it was at least until CC moved here.  I had to pick my jaw up off of my desk!  I could not believe what had just happened.  This is a married man with two small children (11 and 6).  He had never given me any indication over the years of any of this.  I can usually see this kind of thing coming a mile away.  This smacked me in the back of the head! I texted him back, stated not interested in no uncertain terms.

When I got to speak with CC after work I told him about what happened.  I told him how disturbing this whole situation was and that it really bothered me.  He is right saying that I should be insulted.  Insulted that someone would think that I have so little morals or respect for my significant other that I would even consider such a thing, or have that little respect for the fact he is married with children.

I have gone over and over this whole thing in my mind.  I have not done anything to have brought on this advance.  I was once told by a former boyfriend that all men want to sleep with me and that I am kidding myself thinking that men and women can be "just friends".  He said that even if that is the way that I see it, all men are just biding their time.  I don't think that is true.  But I definitely did not see this as something this particular person would do.  It really has shaken me.  There has never been any indication this was coming.

I have always considered myself a good judge of character but now I know that I can be fooled.  I guess it all goes to show that sometimes you really don't know the people you know.  Something I won't soon forget.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Vacation Time

We have planned our next vacation!  You may have seen on his blog but we will be going to Las Vegas! 

Tangent time... I have been there before but it was not a fun trip.  I was sent out there for work (a conference) and my husband had just left me a week and a half before so needless to say, I was not in a good place nor did I have a whole lot of free time to take in the city.

Okay, back to the story, we have planned our trip and I am really getting excited!  We are going to take in a show or two, maybe the pool for a couple of hours, gambling of course and whatever else we can find to get into.  It should be a great time!  It will be extra special as it will be the first time we will have been together for a month.  It stinks but it is what it is and it won't be that way for long.  CC will be moving to be with me at the end of August, right before we leave for our New Orleans trip.  Everything is coming together and I have never been happier!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

:) Saturday!

It has been awhile since I have posted.  It's been busy at work and busy at home and there just hasn't been enough time as of late.  I have managed to get everything together for the new program we are launching at work so that is a load off of my mind.  I have put out two scoops of mulch at the house so it is looking quite a bit nicer.  I've been up for quite some time this morning and it has been quite peaceful.  Ginger and I have done some laundry, had a cup or two of coffee and have been just kicking back for a bit.  It's nice and quiet here. 

Things with the Son have been going pretty smooth.  He has been on pretty good behavior (at least since the 4th of July weekend).  I am unsure about school.  He just doesn't care and I think he will end up with a GED if that.

CC and I are wonderful.  :)  It has been since that weekend since I have seen him but I am getting better with being apart.  It's not like it is more acceptable of a situation but I have gotten more secure I think in our relationship and the way we feel about each other.  It helps to know that he will be moving here soon.  I cannot wait for this chapter in our relationship to start.  It has been a long time coming.  I think we are both excited about it.  I was talking about our relationship the other day at work.  When I sit in reflection, I feel so blessed and so happy that he is back in my life.  I often wonder sometimes why it is when a person has everything they always wanted they don't see it until it's gone.  I had it all when we were together in my youth and let it all go just to find out it was what I needed and wanted all along.  I don't know how all of that would have worked out if we stayed together then, if it would have at all.  But it is interesting to think about.  I know though that we are both in a place now that this is definitely the right time for us.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I Love You... Why?

68. Crunchy tacos

101. He doesn't mind if I comment during a movie. As a matter of fact, he is usually thinking the exact same thing. (Of course, this goes back to the shared brain). :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

WTF Wednesday

Today is WTF Wednesday...  CC's schedule came out.  He was granted his vacation requests for August and September but has no 3 or 4 day weekends inbetween.  So... Unless there is a way for me to go to Nashville, I will not see him for a month...  WTF!!!!  :{

Independence Weekend

Now that I am a bit calmer, I can recap my long weekend...

Friday - Chihuly in Nash Vegas
We were allowed to leave work a bit early to start our long weekend.  I was able to get the Son to the neighbors and get myself on the road to Nash Vegas.  The trip down was uneventful and I was there in no time.  I had sent some cookies from Cookies by Design to CC to be delivered on Friday.  They were to have been delivered before I arrived.  Well... No cookies.  I'm kind of freaked out at this point because of the birthday cake fiasco in April so had to break down and ask if anyone stopped by or if he left for an extended period of time.  They arrived 15 minutes after I asked.  :(  If I just held on a bit longer.  Anyway, now he knows about "cookies on a stick".  :)  We went to supper at Battered and Fried (sushi) and then ice cream at The Pied Piper (I think) before we headed out to the Chihuly exhibit at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens.  We had a wonderful time!  The weather was great and the glass sculptures were something to behold.  They had the sculptures illuminated and they became even more magnificent the darker the night became.  These are just a few of the pictures we took.  We were also able to tour the mansion which now houses a great deal of art. 

Saturday - Say Cheese!
We awoke early on Saturday as my dog was driving us crazy. After a coffee and cookie breakfast, we relaxed on the couch with the television, acclimating ourselves to wakefulness.  We had to determine what we were going to contribute to the get together we were attending on Sunday.  It was decided we would bring a cheese tray and wine. CC had heard of a place called Corrieri's Formaggeria. So, we went off in search of cheese.  They had all kinds!  it was yummy! We were able to sample some of the cheeses and meats and decide what was to be on our tray. I can't remember the names but there was one that apparently had been soaked in wine and had a wonderful flavor.  They also serve dinner so we ate while we waited for our tray to be assembled.  We then went to a wine shop across the way and purchased several bottles of wine to accompany the tray.  We took our goodies and headed home.  They tray in the refrigerator kept calling to us.  It was very difficult to keep out of it but we managed.  ;)
We took the dogs for a walk and resumed couch potato positions.  We watched movies and various shows until supper.  ( I KNOW...  We do focus a bit on food don't we?)  Pizzareal was on the menu tonight.  It was excellent.  Pizza and beer.  YUM!!  We went back home and cuddled on the couch.  That is when the phone call came from my last entry...  I will leave Saturday here.

Sunday - Independence Day
We got up on Sunday, munched on some cookies with coffee and decided we would do brunch at Bosco's.  Brunch came around, we had a spicy shrimp app, a fried artichoke app, and an entree of andouille and chicken hash that was Cajun spicy.  All was good but the artichokes were bland and a bit disappointing.  They had a live jazz ensemble that was wonderful.  it was a very nice place.  I thoroughly enjoyed it.  After brunch, we had the schmancy grocery shopping experience at Harris Teeter.  We picked up some fruit and olives to accompany the wine and cheese and headed back home.  Before too long, it was time to head over to S & B's for the get together.  There were two other couples there and it was a very nice time.  I did discover, however, that apparently I AM capable of drinking red wine.  After finishing the bottle of white CC got for me, he filed my glass with red.  By the time we were t go out and watch the fireworks, I had a LOT of wine on board.  Not good...

Monday - Home Alone in Hangover Hell
Wow!  It has been a very, very long time since I have had a hangover.  I was okay in the morning when I awoke, but it became worse as the morning went on.  The coffee I managed to make did help some but my stomach was the worst of it.  CC had it too.  No sooner than he got some coffee on board, he took a shower and felt a bit better.  Then it happened... Damn if he didn't get called in.  This is around 10am.  He dressed and left.  I don't think I could have done it.
I finished watching the movie we had started.  I was feeling really bad by the end.  I managed to make it to KFC and ordered us two large mashed potatoes (they sounded good). It took quite a while for me to get them down but I managed.  I bought some for CC thinking he would be home around two or so.  No such luck.  He didn't get home until about 5:30.  Apparently there were four cases, not two.
We (he) made supper for us when he got home.  No sooner than we finished, he was called back in. :( This time he didn't get back until 10:30-11:00.  He brought us home tacos and we sat together in the living room until he had unwound enough to go to bed.  Maddie, Daisy, Ginger and I spent the whole day together.  They had to watch me lie on the couch cursing myself for overindulging.  We did enjoy our time together but it would have been much more satisfactory with CC home.

Tuesday - Reality Strikes Home
Reality came around in a couple of ways over Tuesday.  First off, I had to leave.  I hate that part. I stayed long enough for breakfast (food again! LOL!). We went to Nashville Biscuit House which is really close by. Had a down home meal and I headed home.  Reality strike two. I picked up the Son and we had our talk... The neighbor did a pretty thorough job come to find out in the lecture department.  Good to know... We lectured on lying, a man is only as good as his word, it will be a long time before I can trust you, etc. He currently cannot have friends over. I have changed the deadbolt on "the man cave" so he cannot enter unless I am home.  There is a curfew on man cave and on him. He cannot stay overnight with anyone.  The truck ended up costing $240 to get out of the impound lot.  It wil be relocated to Greenville.  The fellow who is to go through it and paint it lives there and the truck can sit over there while it waits its turn to be fixed.  All keys will be taken from him upon entering the Farnsley's if they let him stay over again.  They will need to bring him to the house if he needs to get anything at that point.  We will not know the ramifications from all of this until we see his probation officer on Monday.  Reality strike three... I need another vacation!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Why Does He Rain on My Parade?

I am in Nashville having a perfectly lovely time.  Son is with neighbor and his parents who are extremely responsible and has the respect of the Son...  So what's wrong with this picture?

CC and I are sitting on the couch watching a bit of television before bed.  I receive a phone call from the son stating that our pick up truck has been taken to the impound lot.  Apparently he decided it would be a good idea to take it out and on the way home, follow some kid that apparently irked him for some reason.  People called the cops, truck was impounded.  He was released to the friends' parents.  I spoke with the mom and the dad.

The Dad is totally pissed.  He said that he had taken the boys to another boy's house, whose father was home and they were to watch ppv UFC fight.  He lied to my neighbor, stating that they would not be leaving, and just watching the fight.  Well, not soon after they were dropped off, they were picked up by another kid and then taken back to our house.  Out in the truck and then the whole idea of girls was mentioned apparently because I was out of town and the house would be empty.  Then the whole cop thing happened. 

I spoke with the Dad for about 10 minutes.  Said they had been home all day.  Said they went to a movie last night.  I asked if he requested to see the movie stubs and he said no but they were home by midnight like they were suppose to be.  Hmmmmmm..  That one has been pulled on me in the past and I told him so.  At any rate, he said they will not be leaving the house until I get home.  I requested that he go to my house, check it out, make sure it is okay.  Lock it and the garage up and turn off the garage opener.  Oh yeah, he added to get the truck out of impound, it will cost $84 and then $30 per day.  So, instead of staying in Nashville until Tuesday, I guess I will be going home tomorrow and then spend Tuesday getting the car out of the impound lot.

Son says he is sorry and he knows that everything is always harder on me than him.  I just believe he is sorry that he got caught.  I am going to have to seriously figure out what the hell I am going to do with him.  I can't keep this up.  He is currently on probation for the fight at school in February.  He will be very lucky if he doesn't have to spend time with the state as a result of all of this.  I guess it depends on the probation officer and what he wants to do about it.

I would totally fall apart if it wasn't for CC.  He is really my rock and the best thing that has ever happened to me (actually twice).  If it wasn't for him I seriously don't know how I would make it through the next couple of years.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

He Makes Me Smile!

I can't help it.  I feel like a teenager but I don't care.  CC makes me feel fabulous!  I get to see him for a long weekend and I am so excited I can barely contain myself.  It has been two weeks and it seems like forever.  I am so excited that he will be moving to be with me in a matter of weeks!  Our time is finally here.