Monday, February 21, 2011

Whirlwind of Activity

It seems as if it's been forever since I have posted. CC and I have been gathering paperwork, getting quotes, inspections, etc. all for our big Florida purchase. Every time I buy a house it seems as if they have changed all of the rules. I think we have everything pretty set. Just a couple more forms to turn in (I think) and we should be good to go.

We have been showing the house here a lot. Keeping a house ready to show with teenagers and dogs is a feat in itself. It can make a person exhausted. We have managed to repair most of the damage done by the Son's last outburst and think we may be receiving an offer sometime this week. I hope it is one we can work with. My realtor is the one showing it for the other couple so it will keep the commission down a bit which is a good thing. Every penny counts. I am really looking forward to all of this and moving forward with our lives.

We anticipate closing the week of the Son's spring break. I have told him he can ask his GF to go with us to Florida. He can help with unloading the furniture etc. They will be able to go to the beach and maybe Busch Gardens. I am hoping this turns out to be a good thing. Things have become a bit calmer where he is concerned. I don't know if he has resigned himself to doing it my way or what exactly. I did take him to the doctor and he is now taking Zoloft. Boys depression exhibits in different ways than girls, many times through anger, frustration, etc. I am hoping this is a good step. It will be two weeks on Friday and we are going back to the doctor for follow up at that time. He will be going to take his written driving exam on Tuesday this week and the skills exam on the following Tuesday. That is the plan at this time. I am hoping we can all maintain our composure until that time. I have not had any arguments or bad behavior in the mornings. I have been taking him to school every day and driving is never mentioned. Thank goodness! That whole scenario was really wearing me out.

I guess the last thing to really take care of is telling my mother. She is the only person who doesn't know about the house, moving, etc. I have postponed it as long as I can and it is getting down to the wire so I will need to tell her. I just wanted to delay having to listen to her as long as I possibly could. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on acquiring the teen's cooperation (finally), and good luck on the talk with the mother! Things are looking up!
