Sunday, August 7, 2011

And The Renovation Continues..

I finally made it back home Thursday, the Son and Girlfriend in tow. It has gone relatively smoothly. I can't, however, remember being so ADD when I was young. If I've heard bored once I heard it a dozen times. Friday morning we got up and we all went to the beach. We didn't stay long as the kids were "bored" after a few hours. I don't know if they don't know how to just be with each other or what. There was about 15 minutes of heavy rain which past and they were able to take a wave runner out for 30 minutes but they just couldn't sit still and I guess they don't know how to occupy their time. CC and I are great just sitting and reading and playing a game, drinking a couple of beers etc. but the kids just don't seem to get that. Maybe with time.

Friday night CC and I went to the movies and the kiddos just hung out at the house, stating they were tired. We ordered them a pizza and off we went to see Cowboys and Aliens which is an interesting movie to say the least.

Saturday we woke early, left money for the kids to get lunch and CC and I were off to Ikea to do some heavy duty shopping. (God help us with a clean credit card). We spent 3 hours at Ikea and left quite a bit lighter in the wallet and flooring and wardrobes to be delivered Sunday! Yay! The closet may come together yet! On arriving home, we found the ladder moved in the garage. Apparently, the Son, being as bored as ever, decided climbing the large live oak in the yard sounded like a good idea. After scratching up all exposed skin trying to get started, he went to the garage, took out the ladder and used it to get a start on the tree. I was informed he walked up and down all the long limbs, walked the roof and jumped to the ground. Go figure... Kid gets a death wish when he doesn't even know where to have the ambulance show up should he need one...

Today was filled with activity. I did a bit of housecleaning while CC ran to finish the errands we didn't get to yesterday. The parents came in around 11:30 and Dad helped CC assemble the miter saw table and I hit the pool for an hour with my step mom. The Ikea truck came and everything was unloaded into the living room. We took the kids to the mall for a bit and CC began laying the floor of the infamous closet! We are hoping to get the floor in the closet and the wardrobes assembled tonight. Wish us luck! Pics to come!


  1. Sorry, I laughed out loud when I read how your son occupied his time in the house while you guys were out shopping.

  2. Me too! Well, and I also rolled my eyes! Sheesh!
