Tuesday, June 14, 2011

And Time Marches On... So Slowly....

Here I am, another day in Indiana. Showed the house again today. It's like the third time this week. Not much to keep up for a showing considering most of our stuff is in Florida. I can't stand the fact we are starting all over with all of this. It really is quite frustrating. Although the summer is flying by (and I'm here), the time between visits with CC is DRAGGING!!!! I mean there is not enough to keep me busy to try to make the time go by faster. I go to bed early, I get up early so that I can work more. There is nothing to do here so time at home drags. I read, I try to watch some t.v. but the time just drags on... I am not scheduled for another flight until 6/30. It seemed right at the time. Now, there is just WAAAY too much time between visits. We are hoping the GAO will pass some sort of judgement on our contract this week. It will help where the work situation is concerned. I will be speaking with the boss about working from home at least one week a month. That will be a start until we can determine what can be done about my job. Lord knows I can't do too much about it until I can unload this house. Too much money going out to make too big of financial changes. All of this is just killing me. I miss CC so much. I know it will all work out in the end but getting there is really rough. I need to be with him. Sorry, just whining....

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