Hmmmm.. I got settled down on the couch and thought there was a topic/thought in my head, but now I am here, I have absolutely no idea what I was going to blog about. Of course, I don't know why it surprises me, I do that kind of thing all of the time. I have forgotten what I walked into a room for so many times I have started to leave and come back automatically.
I don't know if it happens to anyone more than me other than someone with Alzheimer's. Sometimes I think I am losing my mind. I have no idea what CC thinks about it. I don't know if he notices or if he just chalks it up to my quirkiness. It doesn't bother me most of the time except when I am in a hurry.
Why is it when you are in a hurry, (nothing unusual except getting up a few minutes late), your whole routine goes to hell? Yesterday was one of those days for me. I got a bit of a late start, nothing earth shattering. I took my shower and all the normal stuff to get ready to go to work and for some reason, I forgot EVERYTHING! First it was my keys, then it was my coffee, then it was my lunch (which happened to be sitting right next to my purse which I did not forget). I mean really? I got in and out of the car so many times you would think I was the Maytag repairman doing testing on a dryer door... Ok, tangent time, does anyone get that but me? It was an old commercial and sometimes I remember everything obscure but nothing important. At any rate, I just couldn't seem to get it together. Then, as I was driving into the office, I darn near missed my exit. Not because of extreme traffic (there is no such thing at 0530 in Indiana), but because I was off in space somewhere.
I don't think I'm brain dead. I didn't do drugs in college. I had a good time but did it the old fashion way with alcohol and lots of parties. I wasn't dropped on the head as a small child. No major car wrecks or physical abuse. I would say it's bad genetics but we have decently intelligent people on both sides of the family. Besides, even the not so smart ones aren't forgetful, they are just intellectually challenged.
I don't have any idea what it could be other than getting old. YIKES!!! Old should be a four letter word because it is so disgusting. Right up there with 'work' and 'diet'. Tangent time... Did you ever notice that the word 'diet' has the word "die" inside? Just thought I would point that out.
Maybe the Son has caused it. Maybe dealing with his issues and drama is frying my brain cells. Sounds plausible... I may have to go with that, it's all I got.
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