So. Here I am sitting in the airport in Birmingham, waiting through a 2+ hour layover before my flight to Tampa. I have spoke with CC, spoke with the Son, had two beers, then went for coffee (yeah, contradict each other) and now I am sitting here still waiting. Bonus though, CC said he apparently requested tomorrow and Monday off of work so it will be even more time together. YAY!
I have a third interview tomorrow with a company in St. Pete. They are a small, privately owned company which gives me the willys. This whole interview process I have gone through is almost a clone of a previous experience that did NOT turn out well. (Apparently I was too "big" company for them and they didn't care for anything I had to say). I have had IQ and personality tests, hours of interviews etc. I just don't know about such a small place. it has been an ordeal to say the least. I am going tomorrow to see if I still feel the same way before I make a decision. I have several more irons in the fire so I am not certain moving on something that my gut tells me no is a good idea..
OOPS! I almost forgot.. All of my labs were normal. They did a passel of them. So....... I guess that means that I am just fat and lazy and need to exercise and join the hair club for "people"...
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